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På söndag väntas nya protester mot Arsenals höjda biljettpriser.

Demonstration före WBA-matchen

ons 30 apr 2014 kl 13:22

Arsenalfans kommer att protestera mot klubbens beslut att höja biljettpriserna med 3% till nästa säsong före sista hemmamatchen mot West Bromwich på söndag.

För en tid sedan meddelade Arsenal att man efter några års frysningar kommer att höja biljettpriserna med 3% nästa säsong. Detta har retat många fans då klubben har massor med pengar på banken.
Därför kommer flera grupper att protestera på söndag före matchen mot West Bromwich Albion.

Demonstrationen har inget med lagets sportsliga prestationer att göra - och så här skriver man inför protesten:

Next Sunday (4th May), we will be taking action outside the Directors Entrance before the West Brom game to let the custodians know our feelings on the upcoming ticket price rise. We'll be meeting at 12.30pm by Bear Roundabout (opposite the Armoury) & ask all like minded Arsenal fans to join us in this protest which is related solely to 3% increase and against Stan Kroenke.

We are not protesting against Arsenal, because we the fans are Arsenal. We are protesting against a greedy billionaire owner who has done nothing but take advantage of the supporters. To quote a better American by the name of Thomas Jeffrerson - 'the truest form patriotism is dissent'

Despite Premier League clubs receiving extra TV revenue of up to 70%, Stan Kroenke has decided to continue to hit the fans with the highest ticket prices in world football. It's believed that Arsenal have a cash surplus of £100million. If anything, prices should be going down - not up. Maintaining the status quo on ticket pricing would be bad enough - as it's already too high for too many hard up Arsenal supporters. In recent years the traditional fan base has been priced out and cast aside to be replaced by the affluent. Those diehard fans which have stayed on are making a sacrifice to their finances, that is now close to breaking point.

So to increase the prices by a further 3% is an abomination and must be met with visible resistance at the stadium.

If we don't tell the club they are wrong to increase prices, then why shouldn't they feel justified in making us pay more?

Succeed or fail, it's time to take action and make a stand. Whether it's 1000 of us or 10 of us, we go out on our shield. Whether we win or lose, we can say that we made a stand for our club whilst others sided with apathy.

Our protest is unrelated to how good or bad the team is doing. Even if we were the European Champions we would take this action because Arsenal fans are being priced out by billionaires, of whose bellies are more than full.

Up the Arsenal